Broncos Squad 2024
Tyson SmoothyHooker
Jordan PereiraWinger
Tyrone Roberts
Te Maire MartinFive-eighth
Corey OatesWinger
Kotoni StaggsCenter
Delouise HoeterCenter
Selwyn CobboCenter
Jake TurpinHooker
Payne HaasProp
Billy WaltersHooker
Brendan Piakura2nd Row
Josiah Karapani
Tesi NiuCenter
Keenan PalasiaProp
Josh Rogers
Tristan SailorFive-eighth
Benjamin Te KuraInterchange
Albert Kelly
Brenko LeeCenter
Patrick CarriganLock
Blake MozerInterchange
Ezra MamFive-eighth
Adam ReynoldsHalfback
Thomas FleglerProp
Ryan James
Rhys Kennedy
Deine MarinerCenter
Corey JensenProp
Xavier WillisonInterchange
Herbie FarnworthCenter
Jordan Riki2nd Row
Tyson GambleFive-eighth
Kobe HetheringtonInterchange
Teui Robati
Cory PaixHooker
Casualty Ward
Currently injured and suspended players
Expected -
Round 27
Expected -
Round 26
Expected -
Round 28
Expected -
Round 28
Expected -
Round 22
Expected -
Round 28
Round 28
Team form
Player tryscorer stats
This represents the current squads try scorer stats, regardless of which team they previously played for. So if a player scored 25 tries for a different team in a previous season, their tries will still appear in this list.
Top 4 – Home ground for finals
Top 8 – Away ground for finals